SE 8th Avenue Roadway Extension Project Stormwater Management Facilities
SE 8th Avenue Roadway Extension Project Stormwater Management Facilities
Residents of Lincoln Estates neighborhood expressed concerns regarding the proposed stormwater management facilities associated with the SE 8th Avenue roadway extension.
Neighborhood meetings were held and a neighborhood committee was formed to work with City staff to develop facility enhancements to complement the Lincoln Estates neighborhood. These modifications include 1) installing an aerator in the wet pond; 2) providing additional landscaping; 3) providing sod in the bottom of the dry basin to enhance the basin's use as a ball field; 4) regrading the wet basin to provide a flat shelf around the edge of the water surface; and 5) installing 8' black vinyl fencing in lieu of standard chain link fencing. The estimated cost for these modifications is $30,000.
On November 9, 1999, the City Commission authorized the issuance of a purchase order to Harlis R. Ellington Construction, Inc., in the amount of $512,468.78 for construction of the SE 8th Avenue Extension Project. The requested additional work would increase the purchase order amount to $542,468.78.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in project accounts for SE 8th Avenue appropriated from 1996 Road Bond.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a modification to the existing purchase order for the construction of the SE 8th Avenue Extension Project issued to Harlis R. Ellington Construction, Inc. for additional work on the project's stormwater management facilities, increasing the amount of the purchase order from $512,468.78 to $542,468.78.