Use of UDAG Funds for Depot Park Recreation Development (B)
This item is a request from the East Gainesville SPROUT Project Task Force to use the City's Urban Development Action Grant proceeds to fund recreation amenities at the proposed Depot Park project. The City receives annual payments for funds that were borrowed against the grant and these proceeds could be a funding source for the amenities.
At its August 25, 2005 meeting, the East Gainesville SPROUT Project Task Force requested that staff prepare a request for Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) funds to the City Commission. The use of the funds would be for planning and constructing recreation elements at the park.
Eligible Uses of UDAG Funds: The July 1989 grant closeout agreement between the City of Gainesville and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development states that any income (i.e. the loan repayments) received after the completion of the original project completion shall be used only for "activities eligible under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended". Title I is the legislation that authorizes the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Any use of the UDAG repayments must be for an activity that is eligible under the CDBG program. UDAG funding must aid low to moderate income citizens, assist in the reduction of slum and blight conditions, or address an urgent need, such as a disaster. Public parks and recreation facilities are eligible uses of UDAG funding under the CDBG program. The facilities proposed for Depot Park that are eligible are rail trails, sidewalks, plazas, landscaping, park entrances, fountains, and a children's play area.
Specific Uses of the UDAG Funds at Depot Park: Beginning in 2006, architectural and engineering design services are needed to develop design and technical standards for the park, produce more detailed plans for the park overall (but not construction documents), and ...
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