Reuse in the Community Options (B)
On January 5, 2021, Community Builders presented information on the status of the reuse industry in the City of Gainesville to the Zero Waste Subcommittee. The Subcommittee requested Community Builders to return with opportunities that might be available to assist the reuse industry. Community Builders met with representatives from reuse organizations to identify needs and possible solutions.
On March 30, 2021, Community Builders presented information on the economic benefits of reuse and options to assist the Reuse community in their operations.
On August 3, 2021, the Zero Waste Subcommittee discussed possible policies and ordinances that might be beneficial to the reuse community. Commissioner Hayes-Santos presented three (3) items for consideration on reuse. See items 13, 14, and 15 on the attached backup. After discussion, the Subcommittee decided to invite members of the reuse community and the North Central Florida Apartment Association to attend the August 17th Zero Waste Subcommittee meeting.
Strategic Connection
This item is connected to Goal 2: Sustainable Community and is a normal priority item.
This item is connected to Goal 4: Resilient Local Economy and is a normal priority item.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time.
The Zero Waste Subcommittee will receive feedback from the reuse industry and other interested parties to help shape policies and ordinances related to the City's Zero Waste Goals; and 2) provide direction to Community Builders.