Federal Legislative Agenda for 2002 (B)
On December 12 and 13, 2000 staff held meetings with the City's Legislative Consultant, Marilyn Berry Thompson, and the Government Relations Team to develop an annual Federal Agenda. The annual Federal Agenda serves as the City's instrument for measuring specific outcomes and achievements at the end of each year. The agenda also helps the City and members of the Florida Congressional Delegation to focus their energies on a very specific set of Federal grant and legislative priorities and initiatives.
Staff is recommending the continuation of three previous funding requests: 1) the Downtown Revitalization Project (a combination of the previous Depot Avenue and Sweetwater Branch Projects), 2) the Public Transportation Acquisition Project (formerly the Bus and Bus Facilities Project) and 3) the Public Safety Enhancement Project (formerly the Joint Communications Technology Project). The Agenda would also convey three other issues and concerns of the City: 1) regional emergency preparedness needs, 2) the development of a Museum Park Complex, and 3) the need for critical infrastructure services to underserved areas.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time.
The City Commission: 1) hear a report from staff; and 2) approve the recommended Federal Agenda.