Tree Advisory Board's Proposal for Changes to the Land Development Code (B)
This item requests the City Commission to refer the Tree Advisory Board's drafted changes in the Land Development Code to the Plan Board.
Tree Advisory Board (TAB) duties include charges to "clarify tree regulations that exist in the city's codes," "advise all departments of the city on tree issues," and help "develop the goals and objectives for the city's comprehensive plan with respect to trees." The 2000 Comprehensive Plan commits to maintaining Gainesville's tree canopy at 1994 levels (60%). Recent UF research documents canopy coverage in 2005 declined at 50%. Widespread Cabbage Palm death in nearby counties and Laurel Wilt disease (predicted to cause the extinction of Red Bay in several years) make it critical to diversify the urban forest and provide better tree protection now. The TAB has identified Code requirements that are contrary to best arboricultural practices. The proposed changes correct these. In addition, the TAB proposes major changes in the protection of Heritage trees. Gainesville's penalties for lethal construction damage to or outright removal of Heritage trees are minimal compared to other cities. The other most serious threat to Gainesville's continued status as a Tree City is the insufficient space being set aside for young shade trees on development projects. Current Code encourages planting young shade trees under cramped circumstances to meet close set-back requirements. The result will be damage to buildings and pavement within a decade or two. The Board has consulted with various experts, affected parties, City departments and the public about these problems. Due to the extensive nature of the proposed changes, some city departments are continuing to evaluate the impact of the propsed changes on their operations and will be providing their comments. The TAB believes these proposed changes to existing Code language, if...
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