Environmental Consulting Services Agreement (NB)
Staff recommends amending a contract for additional consulting services for the gas plant site remediation project.
Extensive work has been done over the past several months trying to establish the operational criteria for the proposed thermal treatment unit (TTU), the ambient air monitoring levels and the soil clean-up target levels (SCTL's) to be used in the remediation work. GRU, with the assistance of Focus Environmental, has been working closely with the State (FDEP) and County (ACEPD) regulatory agencies to establish these operational standards. Since there have been numerous addendums to the Remedial Action Plan (RAP), it was determined that the best approach would be to publish an amended rap to ensure that all the changes, clarifications and additions were accounted for. Focus Environmental will be working with staff in re-writing the RAP to include re-writes of existing technical specifications, and the addition of new specification sections. In addition, Focus Environmental will continue working with staff in an effort to negotiate the final clean-up and operational standards with the regulatory agencies.
The City Commission authorize the Interim General Manager or her designee to negotiate and execute an amendment to the agreement with Focus Environmental, Inc., as a specified source, for consulting services associated specifically with the thermal treatment unit (TTU) issues related to the Poole Roofing/CSXT Manufactured Gas Plant Site Remediation in an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this request is included in the Gas Acquisition Cleanup within the Capital Improvements Budget for FY 2007.
Prepared by: Ed Regan, P.E., Assistant General Manager, Strategic Planning
Submitted by: Karen Johnson, Interim General Manager