GRU Incentives for the Enterprise Zone Referral Item #080222 (NB)
At the 7/21/08 budget meeting the City Commission referred the issue of GRU incentives and other incentives for the Enterprise Zone to the Regional Utilities Committee. Commissioner Poe made the suggestion of extending GRU rebate programs to specific new and minority start up businesses in the enterprise zone.
At the February 11, 2009 RUC meeting Erik Bredfeldt, Planning and Development Director, reviewed with the Committee how the Enterprise Zone Program worked and how the incentives are dictated by Florida State Statute. Mr. Bredfeldt made the recommendation to enhance the coordination of information between the existing Enterprise Zone incentives and the energy efficiency programs already offered by GRU which may establish a potential double layer of incentives that could be pursued. This information will be provided to attendees at the quarterly Enterprise Zone meetings.
The Regional Utilities Committee recommends removal of this item from the referral list.
The City Commission approve removing this item from the referral list.
Submitted on behalf of the RUC by Robert Hunzinger, General Manager