Ending the Ban of Gays and Lesbians in the US Military - Broward County Action (B)
On October 1, 2009 the City Commission referred to the Equal Opportunity Director, the issue of "the Broward County Petition to President Obama calling for an ending of the ban on gays and lesbians in the US Military." Equal Opportunity staff members were asked to work with the City's Legislative staff to find out what action Broward County took regarding this issue and report back to the full City Commission by April 1, 2010.
The City Commission: 1) hear a presentation from staff on what steps Broward County took and what legislation the President and his advisors are working on; 2) consider options: (a) adopt the resolution as presented; (b) amend and adopt the Resolution presented, that the City of Gainesville can pursue on this issue, and 3) authorize further action deemed appropriate.
Alternative Recommendation
The City Commission: 1) direct staff to draft a Proclamation encouraging the citizens of Gainesville to get involved by writing letters to Congress supporting the Military Readiness Enhancement Act 2009, or 2) take no action at this time.