Overlay District to Apply New Land Development Regulations to Larger Portions of Southeast Gainesville (B)
Petition 24TCH-06 PB. City of Gainesville. This petition provides a new overlay zoning district containing special land development regulations for an area south of Hawthorne Road and east of Southeast 11th Street.
This petition proposes to apply overlay zoning district regulations to the south and east of the existing Five Points Special Area Plan overlay zoning district, in order to provide the overlay to a larger portion of Southeast Gainesville.
The Southeast Gainesville Special Area Plan is intended to improve the sense of place and community; improve the environment for businesses, including smaller, locally-owned businesses; and support a healthy economy by providing a vibrant mix of commercial, office, retail and residential uses. The proposed development standards are intended to make Southeast Gainesville a more vibrant, livable place as properties develop.
The Plan Board heard the petition and requested that it be modified at (d) to read . . . shall be fronted by liner buildings having retail, office and residential.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on June 9, 1998. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on June 10, 1998. The Plan Board held a public hearing June 25, 1998.
Fiscal Note
City Plan Board to City Commission - The City Commission approve Petition 24TCH-06 PB, modifying (d) Regulations to read . . . shall be fronted by liner buildings having retail, office and residential. Plan Board vote 7-0.
Staff to Plan Board - Approve to establish a new Southeast Gainesville Suburban Special Area Plan to help implement Plan East Gainesville.
Alternative recommendation: Do not approve petition.