Eastside & Central City Development Committee (B)
This item involves a request to the City Commission to hear a presentation on the results of the Eastside and Central City Development Committee for exploring opportunities to advance development projects in East Gainesville and the Central City.
The Eastside and Central City Development Committee was established in 2011 based on Commissioner Scherwin Henry's interest in exploring opportunities to advance development projects in East Gainesville and the Central City as the market recovers and opportunities arise. The Committee met during the summer and into the fall receiving presentations and updates on existing plans including the following:
Existing Plans:
East Gainesville Development Action Plan
Plan East Gainesville
Southeast Gainesville Renaissance Initiative (SEGRI)
Waldo Road Corridor Study
Eastside Community Redevelopment Plan
Downtown Gainesville Redevelopment Plan
The Committee also heard from a variety of stakeholders including: the University of Florida, Alachua County, and private banking and development interests providing their plans and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities available.
The Committee then identified a number of key evaluation criteria to assist in providing perspective on the development readiness of key properties/areas of focus including the following: 1) economic development, 2) financing, 3) infrastructure, 4) transportation, 5) land use and 6) zoning.
Key Properties/Areas of Focus:
Airport Industrial Park
Old and New Fairgrounds
UF Eastside Campus Area
Wal-Mart Area
Kennedy Homes
GTEC & Shands Area
McGurn Parcel in the Central City
City staff has taken the Committee's guidance and the information developed for the presentations and prepared a standardized format for review of the properties. The goal of the Committee is to highlight the economic development potential and development readiness of these pro...
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