Ordinance No. 0-04-47; Petition 31TCH-04 PB
An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Land Development Code, relating to requirements for the automotive-oriented business (BA) district; amending section 30-62; deleting the floor area ratio requirement and establishing a maximum building height limit; increasing some side and rear setbacks to 50 feet; adding a provision for placement of trash facilities and requirements for mechanical equipment; making certain other minor modifications for clarification; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
This petition is part of the overall update of the City's Land Development Regulations. Specifically, these amendments are proposed for the automotive-oriented business district (BA). One of the significant changes is establishment of a maximum building height of five stories. This replaces the maximum floor area ratio for principal structures, and is consistent with the Commercial land use category in Policy 4.1.1 of the City's 2000-2010 Comprehensive Plan.
Concerns about compatibility between BA and abutting residential land use have led to proposed language regarding the maximum height of buildings on BA land that is adjacent to residential land. In this situation, the maximum building height would be limited to 3 stories. The side and rear setback was also increased from 25 feet to 50 feet where the side or rear yard abuts property in a residential district or is shown for residential use on the future land use map of the comprehensive plan. There are also minor grammatical changes and corrections proposed.
Compatibility concerns between the BA district and abutting residen...
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