Creating a Comprehensive Community-wide Vision (NB)
On July 12, 2004, the City Commission referred to the Community Development Committee this referral which originated from a Mayoral transition team committee. The Committee discussed the item on August 5, 2004.
The Urban Master Planning Subcommittee of the Norfolk/New Haven Committee is addressing this item. The RFQ for developing a graphic master plan illustrating the City's public and private improvements, current and planned major developments, and opportunity sites, has been authorized by the CRA and has been prepared by staff, and the Urban Master Planning Subcommittee has offered substantial input. The Urban Master Planning Subcommittee is also recommending new urban mixed-use land use and zoning districts. These and other recommendations related to community-wide vision will be reported out to the Economic Development Committee on August 24, 2004. Because this issue is being discussed extensively in other forums, the Committee felt this item should be removed from its referral list.
Fiscal Note
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: Remove this item from the Committee's referral list.