Septic-to-Sewer ConnectFree Resolution (B)
Resolution No. 201230
A resolution of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending and restating Resolution Number 160416; providing for the source of funding for the ConnectFree Program; providing the projects that are eligible to receive ConnectFree grant funding; providing the criteria for each project to receive grant funding; providing for grant funding amounts; authorizing the City Manager to administer the ConnectFree Program; providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed Resolution.
Resolution Number 201230, amends and restates Resolution Number 160416, the ConnectFree Program. The amended and restated resolution expands the ConnectFree Program to include grant funding for septic-to-sewer projects that address environmental problems by converting residential properties from septic tank systems to the City of Gainesville's centralized wastewater treatment system. For eligible septic-to-sewer projects ConnectFree funds may assist with the payment of costs associated with the extension, construction, and connection to the City's wastewater system, including on-site plumbing modifications. Households do not have to meet criteria for low, very low, or extremely low income criteria to be eligible for on-site plumbing. The septic-to-sewer grant funding is limited to the following: i) projects in which ConnectFree funds are used in conjunction with grant funding provided by other entities; and ii) the project will address suspected or confirmed impacts to surface water as determined by Alachua County Health Department and/or Alachua County Environmental Protection Department. The maximum amount that may be expended on each residential parcel is $40,000.00
This resolution will allow the city to take advantage of certain grant funding available from the state. City charter officers are reviewing the ConnectFree Program and will bring additional...
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