This item is a request to establish uniform procedures for handling parcels of land that are conveyed to the City from the County for non-payment of taxes and to apply these policies to four parcels of land that have been conveyed to the City of Gainesville by Alachua County for non-payment of taxes.
The City of Gainesville received four parcels of land from Alachua County; three of them in October of 2014 and one of them in August 2015. The parcels were conveyed to the County by Escheatment Tax Deeds (non-payment of taxes) and subsequently conveyed to the City per Florida Statute 197.592 (1) and (2). One parcel was vacant, three were occupied. One has since been vacated and two remain with occupants. Please see the attached maps.
As a background explanation:
The County must follow a process for parcels for which taxes are not paid:
* Every May, when taxes have not been paid, tax certificates are made available for sale to whomever is the lowest bidder for the interest rate.
* After two years, the owner of the tax certificate may apply for a tax deed. Many purchasers of tax certificates are investors and do not intend to purchase the property, but simply desire to earn the interest accrued when someone either pays the taxes to retain the property or someone else purchases the property for taxes.
* When a property is offered for sale at a tax deed sale, if no one bids on the property, and if the applicant is not willing to take title, the property goes on the list of lands available for three years, all the while accruing interest.
* Per Section 197.592(1), Florida Statutes, if the former owner has not filed a verified application requesting restitution of the property, the Board of County Commissioners determines that the property shall not be returned to the former owner, and if it falls within the boundaries of an incorporated municipality, the County must convey it per Secti...
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