Proposed Typical Section of SW 16th Avenue from Archer Road to SW 13th Street (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to approve the proposed typical section for SW 16th Avenue from Archer Road to SW 13th Street.
The University of Florida desires to calm traffic on Archer Road between SW 16th Avenue and SW 13th Street. Part of this calming effort, which is driven by pedestrian and bicyclists' safety concerns, is to move traffic from Archer Road to SW 16th Avenue. This desire complements both the City of Gainesville's and FDOT's desire to have through trucks heading east from I-75 use SW 16th Avenue all the way to Williston Road. Thus, the City agreed to manage the project for the University, with the University bearing the costs for any improvements. SW 16th Avenue in the section of interest consists of four (4) lanes of traffic, two (2) eastbound and two (2) westbound and approximately two hundred and twenty (220) free parking spaces. The proposed typical section eliminates the free parking spaces and replaces them with a newly milled and re-surfaced bike lane and shoulder. The removal of the parking spaces will allow the full vehicle capacity of this four (4) lane facility to be realized and will provide safer, designated, bike lanes for bicyclists. With the completion of the parking garages now under construction, more than enough parking will be available for the two hundred plus vehicles that park on the street now.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the amount of $6,619,000 is provided in the Campus Development Agreement for the Archer Road Project.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission approve the proposed typical section for SW 16th Avenue.