Keeping or Eliminating Floor Area Ratios (NB)
This item was referred to the Community Development Committee, which discussed it on January 5, 2004 and August 5, 2004. In the January discussion, the Committee reviewed the various zoning districts where petitions are underway to remove the floor area ratio regulations as a part of the City's update of key chapters of its land development code. Floor area ratio is a blunt zoning instrument that limits development on a property in relationship to the size of the underlying property. Since the City has limits on heights in most zones, and in each zoning district has setback rules (or in some districts flexible build-to lines in front and setback requirements to the sides and rear), it was concluded at both discussions that the floor area regulations were unnecessary in certain zoning districts. The petitions to remove them are reviewed by the City Plan Board and then approved by the City Commission.
Fiscal Note
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: Remove this item from the Committee's referral list.