Refunding of 2002A and 2002B Bonds, Termination of Interest Rate Swap (NB)
In 2002, the City issued the 2002A Bonds as variable rate debt in order to refund a prior bond issue. At the same time, the City issued the 2002B Bonds as variable rate debt in order to finance certain of the Utility’s capital projects. In anticipation of the issuance of the 2002A Bonds and in order to “lock-in” the debt service savings resulting from the refunding, the City entered into a floating-to-fixed interest rate swap with Merrill Lynch Capital Services, Inc., effectively fixing the rate of interest on the 2002A Bonds at 4.10%.
In conjunction with our Financial Advisor, Public Financial Management, Utility staff continuously monitors opportunities to optimize our debt structure and to refund outstanding debt. Both the 2002A and 2002B Bonds are variable rate debt, and their interest rates are reset to current market levels every 35 days. With long-term interest rates still at historically low levels, we can refinance (refund) these Bonds with new fixed rate debt and lock in these low interest rates for our ratepayers.
Since the interest rate on the 2002B Bonds has not been synthetically fixed, those Bonds can simply be refunded, in effect replacing variable rate debt with fixed rate debt. In the case of the 2002A Bonds, however, the associated interest rate swap must first be terminated. At the time of termination, the City will either pay or receive a termination payment. The payment or receipt will serve to increase or decrease the size of the refunding bond issue and will, in effect, preserve the debt service savings realized through the issuance of the 2002A Bonds.
Utility staff and our Financial Advisor recommend that the issuance of the new refunding bonds be accomplished through a negotiated sale of those bonds. It is recommended that J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. serve as the sole Underwriter for the refunding bonds. JPMorgan has provided v...
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