Public Hearing to Approve the Campus Development Agreement for the University of Florida Campus Master Plan, 2005 - 2015 (B)
In accordance with Subsection 1013.30(15), Florida Statutes, the University of Florida must enter into an Agreement with their host local government(s) that addresses level-of-service requirements, deficiencies and campus impacts on public services and facilities. The host local government must adopt the Agreement in a manner consistent with the requirements of Chapter 163.3225.
The University Comprehensive Master Plan process established in Subsection 1013.30 of the Florida Statutes is intended to facilitate coordination between universities and their host local governments. Subsection (1) states "This section contains provisions for campus planning and concurrency management that supersede the requirements of part II of chapter 163, except when stated otherwise in this section. These special growth management provisions are adopted in recognition of the unique relationship between university campuses and the local governments in which they are located. While the campuses provide research and educational benefits of statewide and national importance, and further provide substantial educational, economic, and cultural benefits to their host local governments, they may also have an adverse impact on the public facilities, services and natural resources of host governments. On balance, however, universities should be considered as vital public facilities of the state and local governments. The intent of this section is to address this unique relationship by providing for the preparation of campus master plans and associated campus development agreements." The University of Florida Board of Trustees adopted the final campus master plan on March 31, 2006.
The City Commission previously authorized the City Manager and the City Attorney to negotiate the terms and conditions of the Campus Development Agreement wi...
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