Financial Management Information System Replacement Project and Customer Relationship Management System Initiation (NB)
Staff recommends award of a consulting services contract for a new Financial Information Management System (FMIS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
The Utility's current corporate reporting requirements are met by various disparate software systems and data bases that necessitate manual retrieval and manipulation of financial, operational and customer data. The cumbersome and inefficient processes which result from this structure often produce untimely and inaccurate information. With the impending implementation of a new Customer Information System, the final barrier to fugitive data needed for an integrated corporate reporting system can be eliminated.
The initial mission will be to review, evaluate and document corporate reporting requirements for an integrated FMIS and a Customer Relationship Management system which meets the Utility's financial and customer relationship reporting needs. The second mission is to perform a gap analysis on existing software systems used for financial and operating reporting including EllipseTM, and the SAP Customer Information System scheduled to be operational in March 2007. The results of the gap analysis will form the basis for a recommendation for developing and implementing an integrated FMIS and Customer Relationship Management system.
AAC Utility Partners LLC, (AAC) was awarded a contract to perform consulting services for the CIS Replacement project by the City Commission as the result of a Request for Proposal for consulting services. Staff believes that AAC is best suited for performing the consulting services for the FMIS project based on AAC's knowledge and experience with the Utility's structure and CIS design as well as their understanding of the Utility's organizational structure and financial management requirements. This knowledge will reduce the ...
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