Addition of the Concurrency Management Planner to the Occupational Index (B)
This item involves the request for approval to add a new classification, Concurrency Management Planner, to the Occupational Index and approval for reclassifying one of the Planning and Development Services Department's Senior Planner positions to a new classification.
In order to ensure compliance with Florida Statues regarding mandated concurrency provisions of the Growth Management Law, the City needs a position responsible for Concurrency Management. This is critical to the City's ability to manage growth and to facilitate orderly urban development. The duties of this position are currently being executed by a Senior Planner. The requested new classification, Concurrency Management Planner, is a true reflection of the position duties.
Fiscal Note
The budget impact of the proposed Concurrency Management Planner is an upgrade from Grade M6 to M7 of the 2008 Pay Plan. The difference in mid-point is $6,000/year. Adequate funding is included in the FY08 budget.
The Personnel and Organizational Structure Committee met on March 27, 2008 and recommend the City Commission approve adding the Concurrency Management Planner classification to the Occupational Index and reclassifying one Senior Planner (Pay Grade M6) position to the Concurrency Management Planner (Grade M7).