City Support for University of Florida Family Data Center (B)
This item involves a request to provide financial assistance to the University of Florida Family Data Center.
During the February 16, 2012 Gainesville City Commission meeting, the City Commission expressed a desire to support the University of Florida Family Data Center to develop a Children/Families Report Card in partnership with the Alachua County School Board (School Board) and Alachua County (County). The partnership support will include the City, County and School Board each funding 1/3 of the $40,000 cost of the program. The City Commission requested that City staff explore and identify alternative funding sources available to provide up to $13,000 or match the County's contribution to support the University of Florida Family Data Center.
On July 14, 2011, the City Commission approved FY 2011-2012 Community Grant Program funding awards in the amount of $101,440 to fund agency programs and services. Since that time, one agency was determined to be ineligible; and another agency withdrew due to operational issues. This left a remaining balance of $15,860 unallocated in the Community Grant Program. Since a portion of the Community Grant Program funding was unallocated, the City Commission has the authority to declare these funds as surplus, and assign them to other services. The Community Grant Program's unallocated funds are available for this fiscal year only, and would provide a one-time allocation of up to $15,860 for other services.
Fiscal Note
Unallocated funds in the amount of $15,860 are available in the FY 2011-2012 Community Grant Program budget.
The City Commission: 1) appropriate $13,000 of unallocated FY 2011-2012 Community Grant Program funds to support the University of Florida Family Data Center program; and 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute any and all necessary documents for the University of Florida ...
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