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File #: 021206    Version: Name: Gainesville Police Department Wireless/Technology Project (NB)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 5/27/2003 In control: Public Safety Committee
On agenda: Final action: 5/27/2003
Title: Gainesville Police Department Wireless/Technology Project (NB)
Gainesville Police Department Wireless/Technology Project (NB)

Since 2001, the City Commission has approved funding from various sources for the Gainesville Police Department to move forward with a more efficient and effective data technology system. Most recently, on January 27, 2003, the City Commission approved the contract and funding of the RMS (Records Management System) Mobile Data and Mobile Field Reporting System with OSSI. This contract will enable our Police Officers and Police Service Technicians to access extensive RMS data information through wireless laptops in their police vehicles.

Initially, due to cost considerations, the department was to purchase 200 laptops. With the recent presentation of federal forfeiture monies from the DEA Duboc case, the department now would like to purchase and install approximately 250 laptops, allowing more areas of the department (including detectives, narcotics and forensics) the same benefit of immediate field access to data used in their daily duties.

With this move to wireless technology, there are many areas of additional costs to complete the total project. Some of these include an upgrade to the laptops that were originally being considered, modem costs, circuit installation between GPD and ASO Communications Center, power supplies and batteries for the laptops, warranties, magstripe readers, crash diagram software and one of the larger costs - a program card that allows continuous ability for the department to upgrade computers for routine information via a software card, thus eliminating the need for an Information Technician to physically go to each vehicle to perform that upgrade.

The installation, training and administration of the police department's wireless project is anticipated to span the course of several years and the funding for these additional project components will be extremely beneficial to the total outcome of the project.

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