Westside "Kids on the Go" and Westwood "Teens on the Go" Summer Camp Programs (B)
This is a request for the City Commission to appropriate funding for the Westside Park Summer Youth Camp and the Westwood Middle School Summer Teen Camp.
In 2005, staff requested and received funding to offer a "pilot" summer youth camp program at Westside Recreation Center and Park. This program was a full-service, field-trip based camp program in which fees charged to the program participants covered all direct cost/expenses necessary to operate the camp. The official name given to this camp was Westside Kids on the Go Camp. Staff accomplished its objective of a break-even program and ended the 2005 summer with expenses of $42,190 and revenues of $42,481, resulting in a net profit of $291. Total attendance at this camp was 154 individual youth. Of that total, 129 were city residents (83.8%) and 25 were non-city residents (16.2%). City residents paid $60 and non-city residents paid $90 for each week of camp.
For the summer of 2006, the department is again planning to offer the Kids on the Go Camp at Westside Recreation Center. Because funding for this program was not originally established in the FY2005/2006 budget process, the department is once again seeking approval from the City Commission for a budget amendment to set up the funds necessary to operate the program. Just like last year, the program will be designed to recover all direct costs/expenses associated with its operation through participant registration fees.
In addition, staff is requesting approval from the City Commission to establish an additional 2006 summer camp program for teenagers 13-15 years of age. This camp would be called Teens on the Go, and would be held at Westwood Middle School which is where the City currently operates an after-school Teen Zone program. This additional program would be operated with the same objective of recapturing all direct costs/expenses...
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