Revise Rules for City Plan Board (B)
The current City Plan Board Rules were last revised in September of 2000 to reflect the addition of a non-voting School Board member. At the request of the Chair of the Board, new and expanded rules were drafted and discussed at several meetings in 2004. The Plan Board approved the revised rules on December 2, 2004.
The new rules include the rationale recommendations on proposed land use and zoning changes and granting of special use permits. The revised rules also include detailed provisions for conducting formal and informal quasi-judicial hearings, and administrative actions. The Secretary/Treasurer position has been eliminated. As Clerk of the Board, the Director of the Community Development Department will appoint a staff member to serve in a non-officer position of secretary, recorder, and custodian of all board records.
Overall, it is felt that the revised rules provide improved procedural guidance and a concise reference for Plan Board hearings and decisions.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission approve the revised City Plan Board rules.