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File #: 000011    Version: Name: Discussion of Joint Planning (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 1/8/2001 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 1/8/2001
Title: Discussion of Joint Planning (B)
Attachments: 1. 000011_a Joint Planning Proposal_20020101, 2. 000011_b Joint Planning Proposal_20020101, 3. 000011_Interlocal Agreement City of Gainesville and Alachua County_20020101, 4. 000011_Joint Planning_20020101
Discussion of Joint Planning (B)

On July 24, 2000, the City Commission heard a presentation from Community Development Staff on two basic alternatives for implementing joint planning. One was for a Joint Planning Committee that would review and develop strategies to address the various studies and findings of the staff task force on joint planning. The other alternative is faster track implementation that would forego creation of the Joint Planning Committee in favor of simply selecting and implementing a joint planning framework.

Joint Planning Committee. The Joint Planning Committee would review findings of the staff task force on joint planning, and recommend to both Commissions how to proceed with implementing joint planning between the City of Gainesville and Alachua County. Composition of the Joint Planning Committee would depend on whether the commissions wish to focus on City of Gainesville-unincorporated Alachua County issues, or on countywide issues including other municipalities. The following implementation strategies could be considered: development of joint planning agreements; establishment of a joint planning commission(s) for review of certain types of development requests in designated areas; development of certain joint comprehensive plan provisions or joint land development regulations; or establishment of a joint local governing body entitled Joint or Metropolitan Planning Organization. The purpose of the Joint or Metropolitan Planning Organization would be adoption and amendment of comprehensive plans.

Fast-track implementation. The following frameworks could be considered: joint City-County development of certain sector plans or other special area studies; joint local planning agency (LPA) for plan amendments and rezonings in specified areas; replace current LPAs with joint LPA that would make recommendations to each local government; replace current LPAs with joint LPA that would make recommendations ...

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