Disposition of City Properties
Disposition of City Properties
The City of Gainesville Housing Division, the Neighborhood Housing and Development Corporation (NHDC) and the Gainesville Builders Association, Inc. (GBA) have formed a partnership to develop affordable housing for three qualified low-income first-time homebuyers. The City owns three lots in a minor subdivision located at 505, 511 and 513 N.W. 3rd Street. The City will rehabilitate the existing home on one of the lots through its House Recycling Program. NHDC and GBA will build two new homes. All of the homes will be detached single-family dwellings. This housing partnership will remove slum and blight conditions in the Pleasant Street Neighborhood. The donation of one lot to NHDC and one lot to GBA also will assist in the City's continuing effort to provide affordable homeownership opportunities for individuals and families.
Fiscal Note
The property was purchased in FY 1995-96 using Community Redevelopment Agency funds that were allocated to the Housing Division. The funds used to donate the two lots (typical or customary seller closing costs), will come from account #102 790 7940 5590 4110 (CDBG Block Grant Account).
The City Commission: 1) declare 511 N.W. 3rd Street (tax parcel #14318-10-2) and 513 N.W. 3rd Street (tax parcel #14318-10-3) surplus property; 2) approve the conveyance of 511 N.W. 3rd Street to the Neighborhood Housing and Development Corporation and 513 N.W. 3rd Street to the Gainesville Builders Association, Inc. to be used for the development of new affordable houses in the Pleasant Street neighborhood; and 3) authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission to execute a special warranty deed, with an appropriate reverter clause, to effect the conveyance of these properties, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.