Second Extension of Evergreen Cemetery Grounds Maintenance Agreement (B)
This item involves a request for the second extension to the contract with Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. for the grounds maintenance of Evergreen Cemetery.
The City's current three-year contract established in June 2004 with Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. for grounds maintenance at Evergreen Cemetery would have expired June 1, 2007. The contract provides for two one-year extensions based on their satisfactory performance. The City exercised its first extension effective June 2, 2007, and is now prepared to exercise the second extension provided for in the contract and amend the contract by extending it four months through September 30, 2009. The amendment will allow the contract to expire at the end of the fiscal year rather than mid year.
Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. is experienced with the City's standards and has scored above average in the performance of duties specified by the contract. Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. understands the sensitive nature of the work and has the recommendation of the Evergreen Cemetery Association of Gainesville, Inc. Based upon the above, staff is recommending the City extend the current contract for four months at a price of $19,562.13 and extend the contract for the second one-year period at the original contract price of $58,686.38.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amount of $19,562.13 are available in the current Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs' budget and $58,686.38 will be included in the FY2009 budget.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve the second extension to the contract with Oasis Landscape Services, Inc. for grounds maintenance at Evergreen Cemetery; 2) amend the current contract by extending it an additional four months; and 3) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the contract, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to for...
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