Award of Bid for Westside Park Baseball Sports Field Lighting (B)
The Purchasing Division sent out a request for bids to 708 vendors for the re-lamping of Westside Park's baseball field number three. Bids were received from four (4) vendors. Of the four (4) bids received, three (3) bids were responsive and one (1) bid was non-responsive. All bids were evaluated on price, warranty, references and conformance to specifications. Based on these items, M. Gay Constructors, Inc. was ranked number one at a cost of $77,500.
Fiscal Note
Sixty thousand dollars was originally budgeted for this project; however, the lowest responsive bidder's price was $17,500 over that budget allocation. The Department has identified funding for the additional $17,500 from other departmental accounts.
The City Commission: 1) award the contract for the Westside Park Baseball Sports Field Lighting to M. Gay Constructors, Inc.; and 2) authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute the contract to M. Gay Constructors, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $77,500.