Engineering Services for Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration (B)
Staff recommends approval of the final ranking of the engineering firms and authorization to negotiate a contract in accordance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA) for engineer design services for the Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration Project.
The Conceptual Project Plan for Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration will provide necessary water quality improvements under the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) regulatory program. The project was approved by the City Commission on April 9, 2007 and staff was directed to begin the consultant selection process.
Utilities Purchasing issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) to eighteen engineering firms and posted the request on the web site. Two firms submitted Statements of Qualifications. Reasons given by other firms for not submitting proposals were work load, scheduling, and insufficient in-house expertise. Both submittals received were ranked after evaluation in compliance with the CCNA.
Consultant Ranking:
1. Jones Edmunds and Associates, Inc.
2. Causseaux, Hewett, and Walpole, Inc.
In accordance with the CCNA, staff is recommending initiating contract negotiations with the top-ranked firm. If staff is unable to negotiate an acceptable contract with the top-ranked firm, it may negotiate with the next firm
The City Commission: 1) approve the ranking of engineering firms in the given order of preference for the engineering design of the Paynes Prairie Sheetflow Restoration Project; 2) authorize the General Manager, or her designee, to initiate contract negotiations in accordance with the CCNA; and 3) authorize the General Manager, or her designee, upon successful negotiations, to execute a contract subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, in an amount not to exceed budgeted amounts for the project.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this request ...
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