New Police Headquarters Building (B)
On April 26, 2004, the City Commission referred the next phase of the architectural stage of the new police headquarters building to the Public Safety Committee. At the May 12, 2004 Public Safety Committee meeting, staff presented a memo on the Professional Services phase (Phase 2) to the committee that would include a detailed space needs assessment, layout, identification of viable sites for the new building and assistance in identifying alternate funding sources. The cost for this Professional Services phase is estimated at $35,000. The Gainesville Police Department has listed the new building in the upcoming FY 05 Capital Improvement Plan. Included in the CIP is a request for the $35,000 to fund Phase II. The new police facility is part of the City Commission goals and objectives with a 1-3 year targeted completion date.
The Public Safety Committee recommends the City Commission direct staff to complete an RFP for professional services, as the next stage in the design of the new police facility, and direct staff to identify a funding source to pay for these professional services, estimated at $35,000.