Economic Development Peer City Report: Part III (NB)
On August 23, 2004, the City Commission adopted a Strategic Action Plan for Economic Development. The Plan is an attempt to chart a future course for the City regarding Economic Development efforts and evolves out of the following contemporaneous events: 1) the convening of the Mayor's Transition teams, principally the Business Friendliness/Economic Development team; 2) the request from Commissioner Braddy for staff to develop a Peer City and Benchmarking system tied to performance in Economic Development; 3) information compiled and reported to elected officials from various citizen led teams associated with the Inter-City trip to Norfolk/New Haven; 4) the 2004 Economic Development Summit sponsored by the City of Gainesville and Gainesville Council for Economic Outreach; and 5) goals and budget priorities established by the City Commission in the context of the FY 2005-2006 budget review.
The Plan defines five key Economic Development attributes deemed as being important to the concerns of business entities and thus, the economic health of the City (including Infrastructure, Business Environment, Workforce, Diversified Economy and Quality of Life). Various indices have been developed to measure each of these five attributes. In addition, a list of sixteen peer cities has been identified to serve as peers to Gainesville for comparison purposes. The list of cities was developed based upon a variety of factors, most important of which is the presence of a major public university, deemed comparable to the City of Gainesville.
The first presentation in this series, focused upon Gainesville's position relative to North Carolina Peer Cities based upon the recent presentation at the 2005 Economic Development Summit. The second presentation focused upon Gainesville's position relative to several university cities from around the nation. This final presentation focuses upon three F...
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