Thomas Center Building Use Regulations & Fees (B)
The City of Gainesville Department of Cultural Affairs rents out the Thomas Center Building "A" for events such as weddings, receptions, recitals, meetings, film shooting, concerts, and other various events. The Department would like to increase the rental fees due to inflation and frequent usage of this venue
Changes on the Thomas Center Building "A", Building Use Regulations and Fees, reflect an increase in the non-profit rental of the Spanish Court, Long Gallery, and the Spanish Court and Long Gallery on the weekdays and social fees for the evening, and an increase in the fees for meeting room 102 (page 4 of the Building Use Regulations and Fees). The proposed changes in fees reflect only a one to two dollar increase. Fee rates for commercial film shoots will be decreased substantially; daily rate was $700, decreased to $300; preparation days were $300 a day, decreased to $150 a day. Co-sponsored event fees were added to page 5 of the Building Use Regulations and Fees schedule
Fiscal Note
Contract changes will reflect an increase in revenues, and standardizing all contracts will enable the Department of Cultural Affairs to use them for multi-day events.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to approve the standardization and increases in rental fees of the Thomas Center contract.