Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership (B)
Hospitality is a valued and important aspect of the social and cultural activities for visitors and residents in many communities. In Gainesville, the local hospitality industry of restaurants, hotels, bars, and nightclubs is a major contributor to the economy. There are over 30 bars located in the Downtown CRA district and more than a dozen bars located along University Avenue in CPUH. These businesses have a strong impact on the community. They contribute to the vitality and liveliness of the Downtown and College Park/University Heights districts, and are credited with keeping "feet on the street" during evenings and weekends. However, due to the nature of products and services provided by the hospitality industry, both hosts and guests share a responsibility in protecting the health, safety, and well-being of patrons as well as the surrounding community. The CRA aims to foster healthy and vibrant urban neighborhoods, and therefore also has a vested interest in supporting responsible hospitality. Successful redevelopment occurs not only through enhancing a district's physical environment, but also in improving the general perception conveyed by that place. Promoting responsible hospitality helps the CRA achieve both these goals and helps encourage increased investment and redevelopment in hospitality zones and the surrounding community.
In recognition of the issues and challenges inherent with hospitality districts, local business owners, with support from the CRA, the City, the University of Florida, and citizen leaders, have formed the Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership (GRHP). CRA staff provides coordination and support to this voluntary coalition of local hospitality businesses. The group also includes representatives from other affected groups such as GPD, the UF student body, UF faculty and staff, and City and CRA representatives. GRHP business memb...
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