City Commission - Plan Board: Land Development Code Amendments (B)
On June 10, 2019, the City Commission and Plan Board discussed and ranked in order of priority the current referral list of potential Land Development Code amendments. This item is a follow-up discussion to update the Commission on the results of the rankings.
On April 4, 2019, the City Commission discussed the current referral list of potential Land Development Code amendments. The list includes approximately 30+ potential code topics for additional development. Topics range from accessory dwelling units to zoning changes within the Pleasant Street neighborhood. Some changes are relatively simple and can be implemented without significant staff time. Other changes may require more outreach or are potentially more complex and may need additional time/effort to develop.
Planning staff has prepared a preliminary analysis of each code topic referred by either the City Commission or the Plan Board members to assist the discussion. Staff has identified the originator of the topic, potential stakeholders, time frames, fiscal impacts, and relevant code citation links.
Fiscal Note
Discuss the prioritized code list and provide appropriate direction.