Comprehensive Plan Comparison: Idylwild/Serenola Special Area Study (B)
This is a presentation on the Comprehensive Plans of Alachua County and the City of Gainesville in relation to the Idylwild/Serenola Special Study Area and how it relates to annexation in the area.
On February 5, 2009 the City Commission received the petition for annexation of property owned by Valentin Zahariev, tax parcel 07176-020-000, located in the vicinity of SW Williston Road, SW 13th Street (US 441) and SW 56th Avenue.
During the hearing on this petition for annexation, residents of the Idylwild/Serenola community expressed concerns about whether City regulations would protect the area the same as County regulations.
The City has adopted language in its Comprehensive Plan that addresses the major issues in the County's Comprehensive Plan. This presentation provides a detailed comparison between the City and County's Comprehensive Plans.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission: hear a report from staff, and take any appropriate action.