Change an existing Special Use Permit for a K - 9th grade school to add 10th, 11th, and 12th grades for the Newberry Christian Community School (B)
Petition PB-15-157 SUP. Newberry Christian Community School, agent for Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Change an existing Special Use Permit for a K - 9th grade school to add 10th, 11th, and 12th grades for the Newberry Christian Community School. Zoned: RSF-1: 3.5 units/acre single-family residential district. Located at 3536 NW 8th Avenue.
This is a request to change an existing special use permit (SUP) for a pre-K through 9th grade, private school in order to add 10th, 11th, and 12th grades and to increase the maximum number of students permitted by the SUP. The existing SUP was approved by Petition 115 SUP00-PB on August 17, 2000 for a maximum of 140 students on this developed, 4.6-acre property that is owned by the Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church. The property is currently used for: a place of religious assembly by several denominations; a 27-child daycare center (A Child’s Garden Daycare); a 40-student afterschool program (Gainesville’s After School Program (GASP)); and a 227-student, pre-K through 12th grade private school (Newberry Christion Community School (NCCS)) that opened on January 4, 2016. The current total, per a January 12, 2016 e-mail from NCCS is 294 students (includes 27 daycare center children and 40 afterschool program children).
No new development is proposed for this property that was developed in the 1980s. No increase in the number of daycare children for the existing 27-child daycare center (A Child’s Daycare Center) is proposed, and there is no proposed increase in the existing 40-student afterschool program for this proposed SUP. The applicant is proposing a maximum of 475 students. Staff is recommending a maximum of 375 students, which is acceptable to the applicant.
The 4.6-acre property is in the RSF-1: 3.5 units per acre single-family residenti...
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