South Energy Center Expansion (B)
Pursuant to authorization by the Commission on January 22, 2007, GRU and UF Health (formerly known as “Shands”) entered into a 50-year Master Agreement on July 25, 2007, under which GRU would build, own, operate, and maintain a central utility plant and the underground on-campus infrastructure that would provide for the first and all subsequent phases of the UF Health South Campus all: 1) normal power, 2) standby power, 3) essential power, 4) steam, 5) chilled water, and 6) medical gas infrastructure. Additionally, a contract amendment was executed on December 30, 2009 for extension of reclaimed water from GRU’s Main Street Water Reclamation Facility to the South Energy Center (SEC) and UF Health South Campus.
UF Health’s recently approved cardiovascular and neuroscience hospital tower will require GRU to engineer, procure, and construct additional equipment and support infrastructure at the SEC that will provide services listed above for the new hospital. The project schedule calls for GRU to commence site work in June 2015 to coordinate with hospital site construction. GRU will furnish limited utility service in August 2016 to support building construction in advance of completion in the 4th quarter of 2017.
GRU and UF Health’s contract is structured to provide GRU with a stable and predictable return on its investment in the SEC and the cost of its operations. The Master Agreement and proposed draft contract amendment ensure that future investments will provide similar returns on investments.
GRU Purchasing issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) for the design of the SEC expansion. Three firms submitted Statements of Qualifications, which were ranked after evaluation of the submittals and discussions with the firms in accordance with the criteria established in the RFSQ and the Competitive Consultants’ Negotiations Act (CCNA). The three firms are listed below in the order of rank...
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