Ordinance No. 0-99-51
An ordinance relating to wastewater pretreatment; amending chapter 27 of the Gainesville Code of Ordinance, by amending sections 27-96, Definitions; 27-180, pretreatment program; creating sections 180.1, -.2, -.3, -.4, -.5, -.6 AND -.7 relating to prohibited substances, conditional requirements for specific discharges, permitting, monitoring, accidental discharge/slug prevention and enforcement; amending section 27-181 relating to graywater disposal facilities; amending section 27-182, private wastewater disposal systems; creating sections 27-182.1 and -.2 requiring permits for private sewage disposal systems and regulating discharges therefrom; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause and an effective date.
Ordinance No. 0-99-51
An ordinance relating to wastewater pretreatment; amending chapter 27 of the Gainesville Code of Ordinance, by amending sections 27-96, Definitions; 27-180, pretreatment program; creating sections 180.1, -.2, -.3, -.4, -.5, -.6 AND -.7 relating to prohibited substances, conditional requirements for specific discharges, permitting, monitoring, accidental discharge/slug prevention and enforcement; amending section 27-181 relating to graywater disposal facilities; amending section 27-182, private wastewater disposal systems; creating sections 27-182.1 and -.2 requiring permits for private sewage disposal systems and regulating discharges therefrom; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause and an effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
Federal and State Law requires the City of Gainesville to operate and enforce a pretreatment program with the objective of preventing discharges that may cause interference or harm to wastewater treatment facilities. Gainesville Regional Utilities is responsible for implementing this program under the authority of Chapter 27, Article IV, Sections 27-180 through 182 and Sections 184 through 186 of the Gainesville Code of Ordinances. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has been delegated the authority by the United Sates Environmental Protection Agency to administer pretreatment program requirements. At this time, revisions are necessary to maintain program approval by the FDEP.