Mutual Aid Agreement Between the City of Gainesville Police Department and the Jacksonville Beach Police Department (B)
The City of Jacksonville will host Super Bowl XXXIX during the week of January 31 to February 6, 2005. Due to the large crowds expected in the Jacksonville Beach area, the Jacksonville Beach Police Department has requested the assistance of the Gainesville Police Department and other surrounding law enforcement agencies for crowd and traffic control during this week. The Mutual Aid Agreement is a standard agreement between two law enforcement agencies provided through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The Gainesville Police Department will provide four officers for this detail.
Fiscal Note
At the time when mutual aid is extended, the cost of personnel, equipment, and any liabilities related to the use of same is borne by the offering agency. The City of Jacksonville Beach will provide lodging and per diem expenses.
The City Commission authorize the Chief of Police to execute the Mutual Aid Agreement for operational assistance between the City of Gainesville Police Department and the Jacksonville Beach Police Department.