Design Plat and Final Plat -Cottage Grove Cluster Subdivision (B)
Petition 17SUB-04DB, Rick Hall, agent for Dixieland Enterprises, L.L.C. Design plat and final plat approval of Cottage Grove Cluster Subdivision, 17 lots on 6.51 acres more or less. Located in the vicinity of Northwest 54th Lane and Northwest 34th Street, west side. Zoned: RSF-2.
The City Development Review Board considered a request to approve a design plat of Cottage Grove Cluster Subdivision at a public hearing held March 11, 2004. By a vote of 6-0, the Development Review Board approved Petition 17SUB-04DB with staff and Board conditions. On August 9, 2004, the City Commission approved Petition 17SUB-04DB, Cottage Grove Cluster Subdivision, by a vote of 7-0.
During review of the construction drawings for Cottage Grove, the one-year approval period for the design plat lapsed. The petitioner failed to request an extension of time from the City Commission prior to the August 9, 2005 time frame during City staff's review of the construction drawings. On February 7, 2006, the petitioner submitted their application for final plat approval, not realizing that the design plat had lapsed. The petitioner is now requesting that the City Commission reapprove the design plat and concurrently approve the final plat of Petition 17SUB-04DB, Cottage Grove Cluster Subdivision.
The petitioner is proposing to develop a 17-lot cluster subdivision on 6.51 acres more or less, utilizing a 22-foot-wide private roadway system that will lie within a 40-foot wide "Common Area." The subdivision will have a density of 2.61 dwelling units per acre, on property zoned RSF-2, that allows up to 4.6 dwelling units per acre. The total number of dwelling units proposed in the cluster subdivision is lower than the number of dwelling units (29) that would have been otherwise permitted by the density standards in the zoning district in which it is located.
The cluster...
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