Weschester Release of Easement (B)
This item involves an easement granted to the City by the developer for the Krystle Pines subdivision. This subdivision, now known as Weschester, was sold to a new developer who has requested that the City release this easement in order for him to develop the property with drainage provided elsewhere in the development.
On March 27, 2004, Arthur D. Weiss, owner of a development known as Krystle Pines subdivision, granted to the City of Gainesville a Drainage Easement over a portion of his development as a requirement of the subdivision approval. Since that time, the development was sold to Weschester LLC. Weschester LLC has requested the Drainage Easement be released as it conflicts with their proposed development plans. The City's site plan review engineers have reviewed the prior development (Krystle Pines subdivision) and the proposed development (Weschester subdivision) and do not object to the release of the easement. This easement is released with the understanding by Weschester LLC that development of the Weschester subdivision will either require drainage easements be dedicated to the City in the plats of the subdivision or to be covered in easements granted by the owner for the benefit of the development.
Fiscal Note
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve the release of the Drainage Easement granted by Arthur D. Weiss; and 2) authorize the Mayor to sign the Release of Easement, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny the request for release of easement, which would result in Weschester Subdivision plans being revised and resubmitted for plans review.