Reimbursement for Category B (Emergency Protective Measures) Costs Associated with Hurricane Floyd in the Non-Declared Counties. (B)
Hurricane Floyd caused severe flooding and other extreme weather conditions beginning on September 14, 1999, and continuing until September 25, 1999, which have had devastating impact upon the State of Florida. Because of the danger posed by Hurricane Floyd to the State of Florida, the Governor issued Executive Order No. 99-227, as extended by Executive Orders Nos. 99-228 and 99-236, in which he declared an emergency due to Hurricane Floyd. The President concurred and on September 22, 1999, declared a major disaster emergency for multiple counties.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as a result of the Presidential Declaration, has approved Public Assistance for the Grantee (State) in FEMA-DR-1300-F, and FEMA-EM-3143-FL. The FEMA has agreed to reimburse the Grantee for payment of claims from Local Governmental Units (Claimants) within the Non-Declared Counties for Category B costs such as support of the evacuation of the Declared Areas.
The Grantee shall provide funds to the Claimant for eligible emergency assistance activities for the projects approved by the Grantee and FEMA. Contingent upon an appropriation by the Florida Legislature, the Grantee agrees to provide one-half of any non-Federal share (12.5% of total eligible costs). As a condition of receipt of this funding, and contingent upon an appropriation by the Florida Legislature where required, the Claimant similarly agrees to provide one-half of any non-Federal Share (12.5% of total eligible costs). The City of Gainesville (Claimant) is eligible for a total reimbursement of 87.5% of the claims approved by FEMA and the State.
Fiscal Note
Federal Emergency Management Agency reimburses 75%, and State reimburses 12.5% of eligible expenditures resulting from Hurricane Floyd Emergency Protective Measures occurred beginning ...
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