Bring Existing Roadway Stock Up to 70% Rating Level As Established by the Army Corp of Engineers (B)
This item is to update the Committee on the paving management program.
Strategic Initiative 5:4: Bring Existing Roadway Stock Up to 70% Rating Level As Established by the Army Corp of Engineers was adopted to the Strategic Plan on August 5, 2010. Staff will provide update to the Recreation Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee. This meeting will provide an opportunity for open dialogue for expressing ideas and future visions for the paving program to accomplish the following:
1) Evaluate alternative strategies for short and long-range work plans to bring the overall pavement condition rating of city maintained roadways up to a 70% rating level; and 2) Present alternative funding scenarios to implement short and long-range work plans.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact at this time.
The Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee hear a staff presentation.