Proposed Use of U.S. Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds (B)
The City has been approved to receive a direct award of $307,293 in federal funds under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, which is being matched with $30,000 from the General Fund Non-Departmental Transfer Account and $4,144 from the existing Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Funds. The City proposes to expend $264,437 of these combined funds for law enforcement support as allowed under authorized purpose area #1, "Support Law Enforcement," as found in the Bureau of Justice's Administration of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Guidelines. Funds will be used for the purchase of authorized equipment, technology advancements, and on-site training. In addition, the City proposes to expend $77,000 to fund a number of crime prevention initiatives as allowed under authorized purpose area #6, "Establish Crime Prevention Programs", as noted in the Bureau of Justice's Administration of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Guidelines. These initiatives include providing a part-time Recreation Aide II, mentors, and an intervention specialist for the Reichert House, as well as offsetting other overtime staffing needs; upgrading the crime prevention public education programs; producing the "Police Beat" television show; and funding of the Citizens Academy.
A special condition of the grant award is that, "The recipient agrees that prior to the obligation of funds, at least one (1) public hearing will be held regarding the proposed use of the payment under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in relation to its entire budget. At the hearing, persons shall be given an opportunity to provide written and oral views to the unit of local government about the entire budget and the relation of the grant to the entire budget."
Fiscal Impact
The Block Grant is for $307,293 with matching funds of $34,144 from the contraband account.
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