Amendments to Downtown Parking Garage Agreements (B)
On October 24, 2000, the City and Alachua County entered into an Interlocal Agreement to provide for the construction of the Alachua County Judicial Complex and a nearby parking garage in downtown Gainesville. The Interlocal Agreement requires the City to provide free parking for jurors in a new parking garage to be constructed near the Judicial Complex. On December 1, 2003, the City acquired property from Kenneth R. McGurn and Linda C. McGurn to construct the parking garage. As part of the consideration for acquiring property, the City and McGurn entered into a License Agreement providing for McGurn's use of some of the spaces in the parking garage.
Since the parking garage was not completed at the time the Judicial Complex was opened to the public, Alachua County requested that the City amend the Interlocal Agreement in order to recognize the interim parking arrangements for jurors and to provide other clarifications concerning the parking arrangements. City and County representatives met on March 3, 2004 to discuss the County's request. The County specifically requested that the obligation for free juror parking be increased from 112 spaces to 200 spaces. As a compromise, City and County staffs agreed to recommend an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement that would provide up to 200 juror parking spaces on any day, not to exceed 560 parking spaces in a week (112 spaces x 5 days). This change should accommodate the County's needs in that the largest number of jurors is usually restricted to one day per week.
Since the City has an Agreement with McGurn that could be impacted by a change in the Interlocal Agreement with the County, an amendment to the License Agreement for Use of Parking Garage is also necessary prior to amending the Interlocal Agreement with the County. The proposed First Amendment to the License Agreement for Use of Parking Garage with McGurn incorpor...
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