Salary Review of City Manager Salary Ranges (B)
At their May 23, 2005 meeting, the City Commission referred this item to the Personnel & Organizational (P&O) Structure Committee. At their July 5, 2005 meeting, the Committee discussed this issue and requested Human Resources Director Tom Motes to research city manager salary ranges from other Florida peer cities. On August 2, 2005, the Committee further discussed this item and requested that Mr. Motes present a draft recommendation to the Committee at its next meeting. On October 4, 2005, the Committee reviewed the draft recommendation and requested that this item to be forwarded to the City Commission for final approval.
Fiscal Note
The Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee requests the City Commission to: 1) accept the hiring process for a Charter Officer position and approve using this process when advertising the salary range; and 2) remove this item from the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee Referral List.