Bicycle Parking Requirements (B)
Originally, this was a referral from the City Commission to the Public Works Committee. The Public Works Committee reported its recommendations back to the City Commission. When that referral from the Public Works Committee came back to the City Commission, the City Commission heard concerns from the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board and, referred the item to the Community Development Committee on May 10, 2004 for further discussion and development of recommendations.
The Community Development Committee discussed the item several times. The issue is whether the City's Land Development Code should be amended to allow for a reduction in the number of required parking spaces if it is determined there will be a smaller demand for bicycle parking for particular uses. Currently there is no provision in the code to reduce bicycle parking. Staff and the Community Development Committee discussed that there may be some particular uses that could be eligible for reductions in required bicycle parking spaces because of their reduced likelihood of having many patrons arrive by bicycle. The Community Development Committee asked that the draft be modified to ensure that the reduction would never decrease the number of bicycle spaces to less than 50% of the usually required amount.
Fiscal Note
Community Development Committee to the City Commission: 1) initiate a petition to the City Plan Board amending the draft regulations so the bicycle parking requirement is never reduced to less than 50% of the usual required amount; and 2) remove this item from the referral list.