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File #: 980290    Version: 0 Name: Florida Wildlife Care (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Passed
File created: 8/10/1998 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 8/10/1998
Title: Florida Wildlife Care Update
Indexes: update
Attachments: 1. 980290_Florida Wildlife Care_19980810
Title Florida Wildlife Care Update Explanation On July 27, 1998, the City Commission requested that staff provide an update on Florida Wildlife Care's request for use of City owned property for a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Staff has provided a chronology of past work on this request as backup. Recreation and Parks staff met with Kris Williams of Florida Wildlife Care on July 30, 1998, in order to determine the current status of the group's request. Several proposed sites were discussed at this meeting, including Gum Root Swamp and Connant properties. These properties, however, were determined to be unsuitable for the proposed use. Boulware Springs was also recommended as a site for the rehabilitation center. Since Boulware is no longer under consideration for development as an active park under the Recreation Initiative, it was determined to be the best choice for the rehabilitation center. Development of the site, however, will require the amending of Boulware Springs conservation zoning to include this type of activity. Fiscal Note Undetermined at this point. Recommendations The City Commission: 1)authorize the City Manager or his designee to negotiate a lease of a portion of the Boulware property to Florida Wildlife Care, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; 2) authorize a survey if necessary of said property; 3) refer the item to the Nature Centers Commission for advisement; and, 4)authorize staff to initiate the necessary steps to implement the lease once it is negotiated, including any necessary zoning changes.

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