Additional Expenditures-Infrared Inspection Services Contract (NB)
Infrared (thermographic) inspection is utilized by various GRU departments and plants to help determine the source of "hot spots" or problem areas on electric transmission and distribution lines or in electrical equipment and lines located within substations, plants or facilities. In addition, GRU offers infrared inspections to its customers as a service, which is reimbursed by the customer. Through the use of an infrared camera, an experienced technician is able to identify problem areas. The Contractor provides a written report and photographs of the findings which help GRU staff locate and repair the problem equipment.
The City Commission approved a three-year contract with McCabe & Associates for infrared inspection services on September 25, 2000. The contract allows for two (2) twelve-month extensions of the contract upon mutual agreement of the parties and negotiation of the contract prices. Amendments extending the term through FY 04 and FY 05 were executed on July 28, 2003 and October 1, 2004, respectively.
The demand for these services has increased over the term of the contract and expenditures under the contract are anticipated to be $36,000 for FY 05.
The City Commission authorize additional expenditures under an existing contract with McCabe & Associates for infrared inspection services for FY 05, not exceeding budgeted amounts.
fiscal note
Funding for infrared services is included in the Operation and Maintenance portion of the budgets.
Prepared by: Karen S. Johnson, AGM - Customer & Administrative Services
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager