Referral Item #040240 - Fire Hydrant Fees (NB)
During the July 22, 2004 Gainesville Regional Utilities budget meeting the International Association of Fire Fighters President asked the City Commission to evaluate the feasibility of eliminating fire hydrant charges. This issue was referred to the RUC (Referral Item #040240 - Fire Hydrant Fees.) This referral was discussed at the August 19, October 14, and November 18, 2004, RUC meetings. The RUC directed staff to present two options to the City Commission.
In June 2005 the City Commission directed that fire hydrant charges be incorporated in base water rates, increasing the price per 1,000 gallons by $0.16. This will be effective October 1, 2005. The method for streetlighting charges was not changed.
The City Commission: a) Remove Item #040240 - Fire Hydrant Fees from the Regional Utilities Committee (RUC) referral list; b) Refer the issue of streetlights and electric rates to the Regional Utilities Committee for continued discussion, and; c) Recommend that the Regional Utilities Committee (RUC) consider additional information on the practices of billing for public streetlighting.
Fiscal Note
Currently streetlight charges are paid for by the City of Gainesville General Fund. Revising streetlight charges and incorporating them into customer rates will increase base rates by approximately 1.3 percent in the electric system, depending upon the exact rate design.
Prepared by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager
Submitted by: RUC Committee